Ā Guidance, Events & Services FOR YOUR ASCENSION
Embody Divine Presence
& experience the Ascension with more ease and grace.
Ascension is a beautiful and challenging process.
It requires effective practices to transform the body, mind, emotions, ego, & spirit into a higher vibrational state.
Explore courses, events, & services to liberate your Heart, expand your consciousness, & empower Self-Revelation.

What supports your Ascension process in this Now?
Join us live at events, online in Presence Masterclasses, take an Ascension Course, or participate in the SUNday Unity Meditations.
All services provide heart-based support for true transformation.

Ascension Guide & Pure Conduit
I have helped thousands open their Sacred Heart, reconnect with the I AM Presence, and activate their Ascension.
A true guide provides empowerment & gets excited about your progress. I genuinely celebrate your Ascension!
The brighter you shine, the brighter all of us become.
If your intention is to experience the Divinity within and use it transform your life, I AM honored to serve your journey.


We unify EVERY SUNDAY in Global meditation. Celebrating eight years of weekly meditations!

Clear, comprehensive, & effective courses from a seasoned Ascension Guide. Advanced Ascension to Mastery levels.

Need more support? Private sessions provide a safe, confidential space to receive guidance and clarity.

Feel Divine Love
Opening your heart is everything in this process. Create Heart Coherence to authentically experience the Ascension, and access the eternal Sacred within.

Experience True Freedom
Freedom from old perceptions is a profound and powerful skill. Blissful & grounded, walking in all realms as a conduit of Divine Will and Truth. Shed the veils at last.

Transcend Density
Live in the radiation of pure Cosmic Kryst embodiment. Activate your Krysthl Plasma Lightbody, Divine HUman DNA, and I AM Presence to create the organic Ascension.
Praise from Luminaries

John Burgos, Host
Beyond the Ordinary
Sandra's appearances as a premier featured guest have provided our listeners with vital information and the energetic attunements to quicken, amplify, and embody the shifts that are facilitating the higher timelines.
Sandra is truly a Master Ascension guide.

J.J. Martin, Founder
Amidst the smoggy spiritual traffic, Sandra rises like a clear, golden geyser. She’s the real deal, free from ego, free from the fancy bells and whistles that often swirl in this space.
Her classes offer authentic, deep spiritual connection. Nowhere have I synthesized my own practice faster and deeper than with Sandra. She is a supreme wayshower and golden angel, or as I think of her; the God Whisperer.

Christabel Zamor, Founder
Breath of Bliss
Sandra is the most prolific, selfless, and grounded ascension teacher I know.
Her multidimensional courses constantly awaken me to new levels of consciousness. Each is packed with powerful visual, written, and guided meditative content.
She lives and teaches as a true spiritual master and inspires us to do the same.

April Pfender, RMT
Golden Light Academy
Sandra's Crystalline DNA Mastery class has been the most valuable resource for support and innerstanding of the ascension process.
Sandra's tools have helped me fine-tune my biolandscape, and optimize activations and upgrades, both personally and professionally.